Giveaway winner + little tid bits

I've been running around like a mad person lately....
I've been trying to finish these Modern Siggy blocks up before heading out today, but no go! I finished with the stack of blues, but I still have about half of my blocks left.  Not bad, I suppose, but I'll have a lot to do when we get back.
Where are we going? Oregon, for 10 days!!! Wooohooo! We'll see my family, as well as lots of lovely sights. And wish us luck as we make this trek with a 9 month old baby who doesn't like to sit still...ugh. At least we're flying. But this means I'll be off the internet until our return, so I'll see you then!
Oh, and by the way:
Via's number generator (sorry I don't have a screen shot!), the winner of the giveaway is commenter #2, Marjorie!!! I swear, she has the best luck winning giveaways - just check out her blog! It's like a hall of fame for giveaway wins, lol. Marjorie, send me an email at with your address and I'll send you a package. Hopefully this will brighten up your tough week :). Well....the win that is. I won't be able to mail it until I get back from vacation...
UncategorizedAmy Garro