Winter Trees: A 12" Paper Pieced Block Pattern

Just thought I'd share a pattern with you guys!

Awhile ago, I made this pillow:

The pattern for it appears in a past edition of Generation Q. I really liked that magazine, and was flattered when they approached me about this pillow. Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed by the presentation of the pattern I wrote. The photography was poor. The pattern references a sketch, but one is not included. There is a caption/sidenote that does not match the project pictured. The pattern pieces were nowhere to be found in the print issue. They eventually showed up on their website, but not until the next issue was already out, and without directions indicating where to find them (or even to look on the website in the first place). I'm not trying to be nasty or unnecessarily disparaging - but I think it's only fair for you to know that pattern writing isn't all fun and games. After all, I'm all about being honest over here :).

Anyway, for those of you who asked for a pattern, I now have one available - FREE on Craftsy! The pattern is just for the block, but it's a pretty versatile design. Be sure to let me know if you make anything with it!