WIP: More Winter Trees....

Upside of working from your stash: When an idea hits, you can make it right then. Like this version of my Winter Trees block I made for the pattern cover, which I immediately decided NEEDED TO BE IN A QUILT. Sorry for yelling. That's just how I feel about that. Very, very, excited.
 winter trees
Another upside: You can use older fabrics that you've kept around. Like that lovely texty fabric - mmmmm.
winter trees 2
Downside of working from your stash: You inevitably run out of fabric because you don't buy things in 5 yard chunks. Because, budget.
Or do you not have that problem, too?
winter trees 3
I'm hoping for a twin or a full size with this one. Unfortunately, four blocks makes for a rather chilly quilt....
winter trees 4
Time to dig out the Kona card and figure out what fabric I even used so I can order more! (Sigh, budget...)
winter trees 5
Don't forget that you can get this block pattern for free on Craftsy :) Linking up to WIP Wednesday.

Ongoing, Quilt Blocks, SliderAmy Garro