WIP Wed: Finished Butterfly Quilt Top

So last night, I finished my Tula Pink butterfly quilt top!!!!
I was so pumped that I took off my pants and danced on top of it!
Oh wait...no....that was my son :)
I posted all of my block diaries here. While piecing all of the blocks together, I noticed a few errors in the fabrics I used, so I'll be sure to post errata soon on my Butterfly tab (for anyone who's interested).
I bought some Cotton + Steel for the backing in navy. I love a dark quilt backing.
Up next is figuring out how I want to baste it. I enjoy basting, but don't really have the best setup for such a large project.
And then I have to decide out how to quilt this thing!!
A lot of people have been quilting it in a similar manner as the original (quilted by Angela Walters). It's no wonder, since it's gorgeous, so now I'm stuck in this rut....do I quilt it like hers, or try to make it more "my own"? I'm worried I might be disappointed either way!
So....if you had all of the quilting abilities in the world, how would you quilt this beast? I need some inspiration :)
OngoingAmy Garro