Do Good Stitches Blocks & Piecing

Mother's Day was a pretty ordinary Sunday around here, with a mass (a Catholic church service) that wasn't an entire disaster, and only a single head-butting injury, but, it was cheered up with some take-out Chinese, extra sewing time, and crafty gifts from the kiddos. Here's what I was able to finish up over the weekend: DSC_0054 copy

Mod Mosaic block in oranges & reds with a splash of aqua. Linda requested a 15" block, and while this is a bit more time consuming of a block, it looks soooo good in such a large scale!

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Two matching Granny Square blocks in some of my favorite fabrics.

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And a photo of them in my bed, because Mother's Day. Yup :)

Lastly, I was able to finally get to my second version of my Plus One quilt! I've been hanging onto this fabric for awhile, so I was excited to see it come together. This is a really fast quilt top (just a few hours start to finish), and I'm planning on writing up a tutorial for it very soon.

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