QuiltCon Stashing

Ok, so obviously QuiltCon was awhile ago, but..... quiltcon stashing-6

I've also been behind on blogging. (Let's not talk about how long it's been since I answered an email OMG I'M SORRY) and I never want to make people annoyed/sad/etc. that they couldn't go to QuiltCon, because I know I can feel that way when I read blogs! But, I did get to go to QuiltCon this year and meet amazing people and teach, which I love to do.

And I shopped. Urgh.

I can't remember what this came to - 25 yards? In an hour?

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Which wouldn't be completely horrible, excepppppt a lot of them were Japanese fabrics. At $20+ a yard.

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Let's just say that when Sandi (aka Crafty Gemini) offered to hold my credit card hostage, well...I probably should have given it to her. Because then I went and bought another few yards of fabric.quiltcon stashing-5


Said my credit card never, but alas, it happened anyway.

Bada bing, bada boom, cha ching, my teacher's wages just went to fabric and pretty much nothing else.

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Ok, not quite, but still.

StashingAmy Garro