WIP Wednesday: More whispers

I got the butterfly blocks together and started sewing white fabric around it - I was planning on just a ton of negative space. But it needed something more. So I'm working on borders.
Picking out fabrics has been a challenge. I pulled out all of my low-volume fabrics, and most of them seem far too dark next to the whispers of color I started with.
I finally settled on a Carolyn Friedlander Botanics print - little hour glasses:
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...which required lots of trimming...
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I don't know what my favorite part of piecing is, put I'll tell you what it isn't: trimming! I don't know how Rita does it.
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After trimming a bagillion 40 hourglass blocks, I moved on to another fabric.
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I created some HST units.
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Which also require trimming...
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Sometimes I'm loving this border, sometimes I'm not. I'm thinking it might be too dark - at least for what I'm going for.
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I'm considering doing something a little different - smaller blocks, with a lighter color, so that the whole quilt just seems to fade as you move out from the center. Perhaps with the print I've laid out below.
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I'm still deciding on that one...
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For binding, a white on white Botanics crosshatch...perfect.
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Linking up to WIP Wednesday
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
OngoingAmy Garro